Lilypichu drawing tips
Lilypichu drawing tips

lilypichu drawing tips

AKA Lily Epic Fail-ing as Widowmaker twice. Not the tl dr, but because it was short, Lily decided to end the video by showing some 'sick play'.

lilypichu drawing tips

When she respawns, she returns and finds out the enemy is still dead, but missteps and falls off the cliff again anyway. At the end of part 2, she ends up knocked off a cliff by an enemy who also somehow falls after her."Oh, there's a chest here! ( Mimic monster arises and instakills her character) Oh, what the fuck!?" Lily pretty much Trolls and tilts Robert the entire game, stealing his minion kills, going Leeroy Jenkins, etc., with fans suspecting that this was Lily's revenge over Robert's trolling in the "Senpai Ahri" video above.When Aerodactyl finally decides to thank Lily, both she and the doodle go ballistic. Throughout the video she intersperses her Nyoron Churuya-san-style doodles of Pool Party Lulu.It's both adorable and funny enough, but it's made better by how audibly annoyed her entire team is by it, constantly trying to ignore her and her efforts. Lulupichu, aka "Lily plays Lulu and desperately trying to act 'in-character'," being the hyper adorable yordle girl in addition snorting and yelling "Hiyah!" when she shoots out a Glitterlance.The noise Jummy makes simply can't be summarized in written form, it just has to be heard. In the intro to "sleepy ashe" later on, as she, Natsumii and Jummy are all sleep-deprived from being 15 hours into a 24-hour marathon stream, they attempt to do the same thing.Cute team-wide hysteria and Lily immediately slinking away in regret. Lily's noise upon having her name called? SHE MOANS. The intro to jummyuguuchu has Jummy, Uguubear, and Lily introduced by making silly, improvised noises as their name is called.Natsumiii: YOU USELESS PIECE OF * Beat* JUNK AUGHH HE'S SO UGLY T_T During a particularly stressful teamfight, everybody demonstrates their communication skills.So that time Lily was Trolling? She gets trolled back hard, especially by RobertXLee, playing her signature champion of Lux. Bonus points, RobertXLee posted a video of the same game from his perspective that's even called "I'm Lilypichu." And to begin with, the video image features Robert in a sailor suit, and he begins the video by doing a high pitched Lily impersonation with " I'm LilyPichu!".She displays the tweet, plastered with Lux's chibi face and laugh. Turns out, the video was meant to explain why Jummy suddenly tweeted "I hate Lux" shortly before the video came out. " Lux like I'm signing out, by winning! Woo! Jummysucks." This is then followed by an adorably half-assed apology.Jummy, come on, the game isn't even close anymore! Aren't you like Challenger or something? Come on, Jummy! Isn't Draven like one of your best AD Carries too? *gasp!* Don't tell me you're actually gonna lose to a lowly Platinum player! Wow, Jummy, I thought you were MUCH better than this.

Lilypichu drawing tips